Our History

We are One Big Family!

End-time Revival Centre Assemblies of God was started in January 1997 at the residence of Mr. Conrad Bonsi at number 14 Candle Street, Adentan Estate. The first service was held with about twenty-five members comprising the pastor’s family, some invited members of the Adentan community, and brethren from Ebenezer Assemblies of God, Kotobabi. Thereafter services continued under hired canopies for three months after which a temporal structure was built on the same compound. From a humble beginning of about 20 members in 1997,  the church has grown into what we see today.


After his graduation from the Southern Ghana Bible College in November, 1996, Rev. Francis Nyarko led the first service of the Endtime Revival Centre A/G church on the 5th of January, 1997 under a canopy on Mr. & Mrs. Bonsi's compound at No 14 Candle Street, Adentan Estate.

In attendance at this inaugural service were about twenty-five people. These were made up of people invited from the Adentan community with some brethren from Rev. Francis Nyarko's mother church (Ebenezer Assemblies of God, Kotobabi) who came to give their support on the occasion of the first service. Thereafter services continued under hired canopies for three months after which a temporal structure was built on the same compound.

The Early Years

The church grew under Rev. Nyarko’s leadership and by the 3rd year, the temporal place of worship had become too constricted for the church’s activities. In December 1999 the Lord opened the door for us to acquire our present premises. This was not without all manner of challenges. As the Good Lord added to the membership of the church, there was the need to look at other departments to improve the quality of worship. The first personalities to head the various departments were as follows: Mr. Michael Dade - Sunday school, Mr. Emmanuel Amoako-Atta – Men’s Ministry, Mrs. Amoako-Atta - Women’s Ministry, Mr. Dan Aboah -Youth Ministry and Evangelist Eric Sekyi-Aidoo – Missions. Other departments that have developed alongside the main church departments are: Prayer Ministry, Joy Fellowship, Royal Rangers, Young Singles(YS), Children Ministry, Music Ministry, Family Life, Senior Adult Members and Welfare.

Church Governance

Throughout the New Testament, principles of church leadership point to a central theme: that the church is to be led by a plurality of Godly leaders. The keyword here is plurality. Relying on the consensual agreement of Godly elders and deacons selected from the congregation ensures healthy checks and balances of leadership direction, congregational care, spiritual guidance, financial accountability, and ministry implementation. By providing and enforcing biblically based policies that guide ministry decisions, the Executive Board created a safety net that made sure ministry is offered in a God-honoring way. To satisfy this, a committee was formed to spearhead this direction. Currently, the church is under the leadership of the Head Pastor, Rev. Dr. Francis Nyarko who is being assisted by five Associate Pastors. The church also has two evangelists who support the Missions and Prayer ministry. 
The Church Board is made up of seven deacons and deaconesses who also double as overseers of the various departments and groups. The Head Pastor is the Chairman of this Board and two Associate pastors also serve on this board as ex-officio members.

Membership Growth

From a humble beginning of about 20 members in 1997,  the church has grown into what we see today.

1 Church

Assemblies of God Ghana,
End-time Revival Centre.

Okpoti Street
Adenta - Estates.

1 service

7: 30 am to 9:30 am

living rooms

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