I go to church, I am saved!

A story was told of a Chinese man who lived quite a happy life all by himself. His name was Uou. Uou lived in a decent neighbourhood where all the houses had porches and garages. Uou had quite a tough childhood. He grew up in a village where most families had only one room. So Uou really had no use for all the space in his house. Uou was happy, but he yearned for love and affection.

Something intrigued Uou about his neighbours. You see, most of Uou’s neighbours had cars. They would drive their cars onto the drive way and wash it with water from a garden hose. They would open the bonnet and spend some time checking oil levels and so on. At night, when his neighbours returned from their daily endeavors, they would open the garage doors and drive their cars in. Quite a considerable number of times, delivery men had wrongly delivered car supplies to Uou’s house. Of course, he always directed them to the right house. All this got Uou thinking. Uou admired the way people treated their cars and thought to himself, “maybe if I too slept in a garage, I will be a car and someone will love me and show me affection. Someone will buy me gifts and spend time with me.” 

With that in mind Uou moved all his belongings to his garage and began to sleep there. In the morning, he would walk out of the garage just when his neighbours were driving out. He will bath with water from a garden hose and spend some time greasing his hair and combing it out. For months Uou slept in his garage but Uou never became a car and he never got to be treated with love and affection. His intentions were right but his methods were ridiculously wrong. Now,  before we laugh at Uou, there might be something ridiculous that we may also be doing.

You are a child of God. You go to church every Sunday, but are you saved? You see, just like sleeping in a garage does not make Uou a car, going to church and being busy about the things of God does not give you salvation from hell and eternal suffering. To be saved, you have to acknowledge that you are a sinner and confess Christ Jesus as your lord and savior, and surrender your life to him, trusting that he alone can give you eternal life.

Have you ever made this declaration? If you haven’t, don’t be like Uou.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one goes to the Father except through Him.

Say this prayer and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner. Forgive me all my sins and come into my heart. I acknowledge you as lord of my life today and forever. Amen.